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Réponse certifiée par SFR Question résolue

Another Service Outage which SFR is not being able to fix


I have been a SFR customer for three months and in this short duration I have had two outages more than 5 days (and counting...).

Currently I am without internet service since 30th Nov and today two technicians visited my premise. They did something and assured me that everything is fixed and my internet will start working in 2 hours. They said its some technical reason.

Now its been six hours and I am still without internet, phone or TV!!

I have received a mail just now confirming that someone will call me day after tomorrow to check when they can visit me?? If they will take two days to confirm appointment when will they fix and what should I do till then?

I have lost all faith in SFR ability to provide service for which they are charging.

I want to terminate my contract with SFR immediately and move to another service provider who can provide better service. Any suggestions how I can do that?


Solutions approuvées
Réponse certifiée par SFR
Contributeur Elite

Hi @prateekgu01 
If the chat did not give you satisfaction, I invite you to ask to be called back in your SFR & Me application.
Go to the "Assistance" section to choose "Etre rappelé. An advisor with access to your file can help you resolve the situation.

Have a nice day. 

Yann, Community Manager

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Contributeur Elite

Hi @prateekgu01, welcome to the SFR community.
I invite you, to take information of these repeated losses of Internet access, to directly contact a SFR technical advisor who will have access to your history of technical problems.
To do this, you can use the tchat

Have a nice day. 

Yann, Community Manager

Un mot inconnu ? Rendez-vous sur le Lexique de la Communauté SFR !


Hello Yann,


Thank you for the response and I assume SFR is quite aware of my frequent outages as history is available online and I did mention the same in my chat with technical team.


As far as Technical help over chat is concerned, I did explore that option and has printed copies of my conversation. There is not much help there except the routine steps and then suggesting a date & time when a technician will call and confirm when they will visit.


In my last chat I almost pleaded with the technical help to please expedite resolution of my outage while only answer from her was that somebody will call after two days to confirm when they can visit- hardly of help when you are out of internet for 5 days and no resolution in sight. 


Very disappointing experience so far!! 


Thank you again



Réponse certifiée par SFR
Contributeur Elite

Hi @prateekgu01 
If the chat did not give you satisfaction, I invite you to ask to be called back in your SFR & Me application.
Go to the "Assistance" section to choose "Etre rappelé. An advisor with access to your file can help you resolve the situation.

Have a nice day. 

Yann, Community Manager

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