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4G connects 3G After Monthly Data Allowance Exhausted?
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Is it normal behavior to have a SFR SIM connect only 3G, after all of the data on the monthly account contract has been exhausted?
I have an SFR business SIM Card in a stationary M2M/IOT industrial gateway (Cisco 800 and/or Netgear LB2120); there is a high gain antenna and full LTE/4G signal available for neighboring devices within 1m distance.
After a day of intense data usage (6+ GB in 24 hours), my M2M SFR SIM will only connect at 3G, not 4G
Is this how SFR handles data over usage? By changing the service characteristic to 3G?
(Instead of applying a QoS Data Policing Policy - as most carriers do?)
Résolu !
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Hi @bseklecki and welcome on the Communauté SFR,
This indeed how it works : after using all your monthly data, your connexion is decreased. You can still do some things like sending mails or surfing the Web, but not more, like watching videos (for example), as stated on this page Comment profiter au mieux des Mo ou Go d’Internet inclus dans mon forfait Mobile SFR ?
Have a nice day.
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Hi @bseklecki and welcome on the Communauté SFR,
This indeed how it works : after using all your monthly data, your connexion is decreased. You can still do some things like sending mails or surfing the Web, but not more, like watching videos (for example), as stated on this page Comment profiter au mieux des Mo ou Go d’Internet inclus dans mon forfait Mobile SFR ?
Have a nice day.