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Espace client Fixe inaccessible, renvoi vers l'espace client Mobile RED
I wonder please how I can make an official complaint against SFR? I have never experienced such bad customer service. The agents are extremely aggressive and defensive each time I speak with them. They are impatient and unhelpful. If you could listen back to my calls to +33 1 023 (today 15/07 at 11.20 am and yesterday 14/07 at 11.31 am) that would be helpful for you.
I have two "espace clients" one of which is for my SFR Red mobile account and one is for my SFR Fiber Wifi account.
My Fiber Wifi account has an incorrect mobile number on it, as the person who set up the account put the wrong mobile number on it.
Every time I try to log on to my SFR Fiber wifi account to correct my phone number I am redirected to my SFR Red Mobile account. I have tried everything, disconnecting, clearing my cookies, using my phone, using my work laptop, switching browsers. Nothing works and your customer service agents do not help.
I am at a complete loss. I am being punished for having BOTH my mobile and my internet with SFR.
I would like this complaint to be escalated.
Edit CM : Pour votre sécurité, merci de ne pas divulguer d'informations personnelles (nom de famille, adresse exacte, numéro de téléphone, adresse mail, référence de contrat...). Votre sujet a été déplacé ici car il n'était pas dans la bonne catégorie. Son titre a été modifié pour une meilleure compréhension. Vous recevrez bientôt une réponse de la Communauté.
Résolu !
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Hi @niamhki01,
Sorry to hear that. There are no customer service representatives here. As La Communauté SFR is a place for customers to share tips and advices, nobody here can access your personal files to see what's wrong.
I suggest you reach customer service again, but on Facebook or Twitter, so that someone can change the wrong number for you. Please try to write in french if you can, or to have someone to do it for you.
Have a nice day.
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Hi @niamhki01,
Sorry to hear that. There are no customer service representatives here. As La Communauté SFR is a place for customers to share tips and advices, nobody here can access your personal files to see what's wrong.
I suggest you reach customer service again, but on Facebook or Twitter, so that someone can change the wrong number for you. Please try to write in french if you can, or to have someone to do it for you.
Have a nice day.
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I have contacted them on Twiiter, they tell me to call the +33 1 023 number who tell me I have to log into my Espace Client and change the number myself. But I cannot log in to the relevant Espace client.
Can you confirm please how I can take this further, and escalate the complaint?
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If that's not already the case, you'll have to ask customer service to escalate your issue to the dedicated service. I hope everything will be sorted out soon.
Have a nice day.