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Réponse certifiée par SFR Question résolue

Changer le numéro d'appel pour rendez-vous technicien



 I have a meeting wit ha technician on th 13th but telephone number registered is a number that i can only recieve sms with. Do you know how i can change it?

If i dont pick up,will the technician send a sms?

I don't speak french so i am not able to call customer service.




Edit CM : Le titre de votre message a été modifié pour une meilleure compréhension. Vous recevrez bientôt une réponse de la Communauté.


Solutions approuvées
Réponse certifiée par SFR
Contributeur Elite

Hello @nonjo01,

I was talking about your mobile contract, it is unsual in France to have a contract that only allow SMS and not phone call.

I hightly recommend you to find a french speaker to help you call to the customer service to explain the situation briefly.

On the day the technician is coming you should use the "conversation" tool of the google trad app, I personnaly use it and it is working pretty well.

The SFR Community is a platform for mutual assistance between users. Customer and technical services are not present here.

Hoping that I was able to help to.

Have a nice day.

Contributeur Elite

Hello @nonjo01,

I will try my best to help you, can you tell me first what contract are you currently using please ? 

Staying available.

Have a nice day. 


Bonjour! Merci!

-SFR Fibre - Offre spéciale Abonnement avec engagement 12 mois


-box PLUS will be installed.


Réponse certifiée par SFR
Contributeur Elite

Hello @nonjo01,

I was talking about your mobile contract, it is unsual in France to have a contract that only allow SMS and not phone call.

I hightly recommend you to find a french speaker to help you call to the customer service to explain the situation briefly.

On the day the technician is coming you should use the "conversation" tool of the google trad app, I personnaly use it and it is working pretty well.

The SFR Community is a platform for mutual assistance between users. Customer and technical services are not present here.

Hoping that I was able to help to.

Have a nice day.

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