Réponse certifiée par SFR Question résolue

Suspension carte pré-payé pour fraude


This is exactly our experience too. We paid 60€ for a SIM Card with data and phone calls. After 5 minutes, everything got blocked with no explanation. Poor customer service. In the store we have been told that there is no service for us since we are pre-paid only...

We wrote our experience in detail here.


Edit CM : Vous avez posté dans un autre fil de discussion. Pour plus de visibilité, je vous ai créé un sujet ici. Vous recevrez bientôt une réponse de la Communauté.


Solutions approuvées
Réponse certifiée par SFR
Community Manager SFR

Hi @TravelEurope-User 
I understand your unsatisfaction with the situation.
I invite you to send a private message to Customer Service on Facebook or Twitter.
A customer service member, by accessing your file, can help you resolve this problem.

Have a nice day. 

Yann, Community Manager

Un mot inconnu ? Rendez-vous sur le Lexique de la Communauté SFR !

Réponse certifiée par SFR
Community Manager SFR

Hi @TravelEurope-User 
I understand your unsatisfaction with the situation.
I invite you to send a private message to Customer Service on Facebook or Twitter.
A customer service member, by accessing your file, can help you resolve this problem.

Have a nice day. 

Yann, Community Manager

Un mot inconnu ? Rendez-vous sur le Lexique de la Communauté SFR !


Well, I already did, several times. Other than you here, no one ever responds.


Can your customer support reach out to me? My contact details are in my profile.


Community Manager SFR

Hi @TravelEurope-User 
On the Community SFR, we are not customer service member. 
You are here on a forum for mutual aid between SFR subscribers like you. 
I Invite you to contact Customer Service again. 

Have a nice day. 

Yann, Community Manager

Un mot inconnu ? Rendez-vous sur le Lexique de la Communauté SFR !


Thanks, Yann! Appreciate your support here.


I will try one more time - after having it tried for 13 times so far without success. Either way, our readers are aware of this and hopefull can avoid this situation when traveling around and enjoying the beauty of France! 

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