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Réponse certifiée par SFR Question résolue

International call


Hi All,


Please can someone tell me how to block my phone from making international calls and internet use.


Solutions approuvées
Réponse certifiée par SFR
Contributeur Elite

Hi @peggyon01,

You can suscribre to the free option "Blocage des appels surtaxés".

The option can be activated from your SFR Customer Area, under “Add options”, then “Others” and finally “Prohibition of premium-rate uses”. You can also make a request to SFR Customer Service.
The option will be activated within a maximum of 4 days.

An SMS will be sent to you as soon as the option is activated, and each time you fail to call or send an SMS / MMS to a special / premium number.


Have a nice day.

Yann, Community Manager

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Réponse certifiée par SFR
Contributeur Elite

Hi @peggyon01,

You can suscribre to the free option "Blocage des appels surtaxés".

The option can be activated from your SFR Customer Area, under “Add options”, then “Others” and finally “Prohibition of premium-rate uses”. You can also make a request to SFR Customer Service.
The option will be activated within a maximum of 4 days.

An SMS will be sent to you as soon as the option is activated, and each time you fail to call or send an SMS / MMS to a special / premium number.


Have a nice day.

Yann, Community Manager

Un mot inconnu ? Rendez-vous sur le Lexique de la Communauté SFR !

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