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English customer service
There is any ENGLISH assistance when callin 952?? i want to top up my sim card and i dont understand french. Please help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Résolu !
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Hi @erascu.alin,
Unfortunately there is no guarantee that someone will speak english when calling 952. I strongly suggest that you ask someone to call on your behalf and speak for you in French.
Have a nice day.
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Hi @erascu.alin,
Unfortunately there is no guarantee that someone will speak english when calling 952. I strongly suggest that you ask someone to call on your behalf and speak for you in French.
Have a nice day.
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Can someone help me to top up my sim card? I tried online, it did not work. The single option is to call 952 and to know wich buttons to press further.
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Hi @erascu.alin,
We are not in contact with customer service here. What do you mean by "it did not work" ?
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I press "Vous souhaitez recharger la ligne : VALIDER", and then i receive this message "Rechargement impossible sur cette ligne." and nothing happened. The page is not loading.
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Thanks @erascu.alin. Unfortunately, this message means you have to call 952 to see what the problem is.
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Unfortunately, they dont have english assistance when i call 952. nobody speaks english in france, except you. Thank you for your help.