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Réponse certifiée par SFR Question résolue

No internet and phone connection

Contributeur en Herbe

Hello World, 

For the past two days, I am having an issue with my SFR box plus.  There is no green light for '@' and 'telephone.' Has anyone came across the same situation? 
I tried unplugging the DSL connection and pressed the reset button, but nothing changed. 

Please help!


Solutions approuvées
Réponse certifiée par SFR

Hello @aromalas01 ,


If the "@" green light is not ON , that's want to say your connection doesn't work.

Actually you reboot and reset your modem but nothing has change.


Have you call the English customer service support ? Call the 1026 if you have a French mobile or call the +33610001026 .

You can contact the customer service with Facebook : or Twitter : @SFR_SAV


Have a nice day.

Anciennement bencdel
Réponse certifiée par SFR

Hello @aromalas01 ,


If the "@" green light is not ON , that's want to say your connection doesn't work.

Actually you reboot and reset your modem but nothing has change.


Have you call the English customer service support ? Call the 1026 if you have a French mobile or call the +33610001026 .

You can contact the customer service with Facebook : or Twitter : @SFR_SAV


Have a nice day.

Anciennement bencdel

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