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SFR can you assist me please
i need to cancel my SFR internet and phone services but i am in uk so i cannot use the 1023 call line & seems no other contact method in espace client
so i need prfereably an email contact of SFR
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Résolu !
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Hi @davidwo01,
You can call 1023 outside France by dialing +33 6 1000 1023. Calling this service is mandatory to cancel your contract. Please be aware that you'll have to send back all devices (box Internet/décodeur TV) if any, so if there are in France someone'll have to do it for you.
Have a nice day.
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Hi @davidwo01,
You can call 1023 outside France by dialing +33 6 1000 1023. Calling this service is mandatory to cancel your contract. Please be aware that you'll have to send back all devices (box Internet/décodeur TV) if any, so if there are in France someone'll have to do it for you.
Have a nice day.