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Réponse certifiée par SFR Question résolue

Regarding the payment of SFR after the end of contract


Dear Sir,


Hello. I am contacting the SFR regarding my payment of SFR.

My contract number is XXXXXXXXXXX, I end up my contract at the 30/07/2021 ( I informed the SFT about 2 weeks before). Then, there had been no response from the SFR and I contacted the counselor to return my box. Then,  the counselor sent me the ticket for the return "Numero de colis: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX".  


I returned my box at the 29/07/2021 by post.  So I had no mistake/falut to finish up my contract.


But SFR took my money from my bank account for August, Septermber and October, so I asked the bank not to send the money. Still, SFR tries to take my money even if the status at website is written as "contract finish".  


Please return my money for August, September and October (Amount is 123 euros) to my bank account and do not send me the mail about the payment.


Please contact me by "XXXXXXXXXXXX", I returned to my country so I have no french phone number. 


Have a nice day,


Best regards,



Edit CM : Pour votre sécurité, merci de ne pas divulguer vos informations personnelles.





Solutions approuvées
Réponse certifiée par SFR
Community Manager SFR

Hi @youngmyungch01 

The SFR Community is a platform for mutual assistance between users. Customer and technical services are not present here.

In your situation, you can contact by social network (Facebook ou Twitter). They will hell you with your facturation.

Have a nice day,

Yann, Community Manager

Un mot inconnu ? Rendez-vous sur le Lexique de la Communauté SFR !

Réponse certifiée par SFR
Community Manager SFR

Hi @youngmyungch01 

The SFR Community is a platform for mutual assistance between users. Customer and technical services are not present here.

In your situation, you can contact by social network (Facebook ou Twitter). They will hell you with your facturation.

Have a nice day,

Yann, Community Manager

Un mot inconnu ? Rendez-vous sur le Lexique de la Communauté SFR !

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