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Réponse certifiée par SFR Question résolue

Payment refused


Hello, I have been trying to change my forfait and mobile, each time I try to complete my payment the card is refused & not accepted. I have tried with 3 different cards and tried via the website on various PC's and also the app on my phone. Please advise on how I can pay. Thank you.


Edit CM : Votre sujet a été déplacé ici car il n'était pas dans la bonne catégorie. Vous recevrez bientôt une réponse de la Communauté. Bonne journée !


Solutions approuvées
Réponse certifiée par SFR
Contributeur Elite

Hi @seancl01,

There are a few things you need to check before you can switch your forfait:

- a modification of your contract must not already be in progress,

- your contract must be older than 1 month,

- you must not have any outstanding payments,

- you must not have changed your offer or renewed your mobile within 30 days preceding the request,

- your line must not be suspended or in call limitation (impossible to make outgoing calls in France or internationally).

If you are not concerned by these conditions, the best thing is to contact an adviser on the social networks Facebook or Twitter., he will be able to help you.

Have a nice day,

Magali, Community Manager à votre écoute
Réponse certifiée par SFR
Contributeur Elite

Hi @seancl01,

There are a few things you need to check before you can switch your forfait:

- a modification of your contract must not already be in progress,

- your contract must be older than 1 month,

- you must not have any outstanding payments,

- you must not have changed your offer or renewed your mobile within 30 days preceding the request,

- your line must not be suspended or in call limitation (impossible to make outgoing calls in France or internationally).

If you are not concerned by these conditions, the best thing is to contact an adviser on the social networks Facebook or Twitter., he will be able to help you.

Have a nice day,

Magali, Community Manager à votre écoute

Hi Magali, Thank you for your reply. None of those conditions affect me, it is only an issue with payment, so I shall contact twitter. Thanks again.

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