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Réponse certifiée par SFR Question résolue

Regarding unnecessary Demo charges and forged signatures



I have requested for a SFR Internet connect last month and since then, my worst experience started. First, they delayed the appointment and then after regular follow ups finally the technician arrives and does the fitting. To my surprise I was charged EUR 60 towards demo, which was never requested and neither done, also he forged my signatures. When I connected to customer services executive, he assured me that it will be refunded in next invoice, but as expected it was not refunded and I am the victim of straight forward cheating. I am not sure if I am the one who fell victim of this, or this is a regular practice of SFR.

I will surely not recommend going for SFR.


Solutions approuvées
Réponse certifiée par SFR
Contributeur Elite

Hello @deepaksehgal ,

I understand how you feel about this disappointment. Know that the SFR Community is a platform for mutual assistance between users. Customer and technical services are not present here. I therefore invite you to contact the SFR customer service via Facebook et Twitter to inform an advisor who will accompany you in resolving this misunderstanding.

Hoping I could help you.

Have a great day.

Réponse certifiée par SFR
Contributeur Elite

Hello @deepaksehgal ,

I understand how you feel about this disappointment. Know that the SFR Community is a platform for mutual assistance between users. Customer and technical services are not present here. I therefore invite you to contact the SFR customer service via Facebook et Twitter to inform an advisor who will accompany you in resolving this misunderstanding.

Hoping I could help you.

Have a great day.

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