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Réponse certifiée par SFR Question résolue

How to cancel (english speaker) ?

Contributeur en Herbe

We have been with SFR for a year and our offer has now finished, We want to eitehr cancel or take on a cheaper offer again but finding this soooooo hard as we dont speak french and cant call 1023 as we cant even get past the options on the phone line. 2,4,2,2 

Can anyone advise what is best 😞 


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Solutions approuvées
Réponse certifiée par SFR
Non applicable

Hello @Kingdom207 and welcome to the Forum,


The only way to cancel your subscription is to call the customer service. In your case I would advise you to be helped by a french speaker


Please do not hesitate to give me a feedback after it, in the meantime I wish you a very nice day.

Réponse certifiée par SFR
Non applicable

Hello @Kingdom207 and welcome to the Forum,


The only way to cancel your subscription is to call the customer service. In your case I would advise you to be helped by a french speaker


Please do not hesitate to give me a feedback after it, in the meantime I wish you a very nice day.




In October 2019 I changed one of my lines from a fixed line to a mobile signal because the internet was so terrible.Shortly afterwards I went into your shop in Agen to upgrade my other 2 mobile lines so I could get free calls to  the UK. I was told by your  "expert" I needed to purchase 2 new lines which I did. What he neglected to mention was I would continue to pay for the old ones. A  few weeks later realising I was still paying for an old line I requested cancellation. Shortly afterwards I got a bill for Euros 394.68 cancellation. Furthermore I am still paying Euros 78.00 per month for my 2 other old lines.


My complaint is :


1. Why should I pay Euros 394.68 cancellation when I only changed from fixed to mobile because the service was so terrible. My should I be punished because of an SFR failure in service.


2. Why did your shop in Agen mis-sell me 2 new lines instead of upgrading the old ones as requested knowing full well I would still have to continuing paying for the old ones at the rate of Euros 78 per month. 



I have tried numerous times to explain my situation to customer "services" (what service) with no success. I have been to your shop in Agen and no one is interested.


All these charges are taken directly from my bank account.  If I cancel the direct debit I Iose my phone service . Its a cynical trap.


Can someone art SFR listen to me.I am a customer ! !!


HELP ! !








Non applicable

Hi @veryunhappy,


Unfortunately here at the Forum we don't have any access to your personal files, the customer service is not here. In that sense, we cannot check what has been done with your differents subscriptions.


The only way for you to solve this out is to contact the customer service via the Social Media Facebook ; Twitter or using the Adminsitrative Chat dedicated to Mobile Offer.


My last advise, because no one will talk to you in English, is to be helped by a French speaker.


Please let me know how it went.


Have a nice day.

Contributeur en Herbe

I feel your pain

Ive been set up 6 weeks and cant get any joy at all.


I was set up by Selectra and they set it up with wrong surname  which in turn transferred to the

e mail address. After numerous calls still not sorted.


To add the calls were made from my uk mobile and from my UK landline now that ive returned home as

my French landline is still not working.


Anyone know who/where is the best person/place to send letter





Contributeur en Herbe

I'm still in the same situation, still paying 35 euros a month for nothing as I cant use anything. This was my biggest mistake ever signing up with SFR 😞 

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