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Réponse certifiée par SFR Question résolue

Wi-fi speed decreased


Hello all,
I connected my internet on the 15th of November 2022 and when I did the internet speed test that day, the result was 637 mbps.
However, when I did a speed test afterwards, I saw that my wifi speed was far from the initial value, 70 mbps. For this reason, in my meetings last week, there were internet-related freezing and sound problems.
Do you know why this is caused?


Solutions approuvées
Réponse certifiée par SFR
Contributeur Elite

Hello @ermangulmez,

First of all allow me to assure you that there is no system in France such as decreasing the service quality on purpose at a certain time of the month. About the technical support you can join them directly here on the Chat Technique however you will need to use a translator or ask for the help of a french speaker if you want to call the customer service on the 1023. 

Hopping i was able to help you.

Have a nice day ! 

Client Top Contributeur

Hello probably the increase number of wifi network around you.

FTTH Box fibre premium 8X
Contributeur Elite


It is normal to see a difference between a cable connection and a WIFI one. A lot of aspects can impact the quality of your signal. You can learn more online about this phenomenon on websites like arcep. However even if a difference there is, there should not be freezing or sounds bugs, know that you have the possibility to establish a self-diagnosis on your line via the SFR&Moi application. To get the app, go to Help then Line Status and finally Run a Diagnostic.
Hoping you could help.

Have a great day.

Contributeur en Herbe

En français SVP

Contributeur Elite

Bonjour @elisabethla01,

Si vous rencontrez des difficultés avec votre connexion ou votre matériel, n'hésitez pas à créer votre propre sujet. 🙂

Vous souhaitant une excellente journée ! 


hello again,
I used self-diagnosis and could not find a problem.
Today I re-tested my connection speed via Wi-Fi and now it shows 30mbps which is very low.
Is it related to the day of the month? I mean SFR decreases the speed at the end of the months?
If not can someone give me the details to increase the speed of some information for the technical help?

Réponse certifiée par SFR
Contributeur Elite

Hello @ermangulmez,

First of all allow me to assure you that there is no system in France such as decreasing the service quality on purpose at a certain time of the month. About the technical support you can join them directly here on the Chat Technique however you will need to use a translator or ask for the help of a french speaker if you want to call the customer service on the 1023. 

Hopping i was able to help you.

Have a nice day ! 

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