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How does the tailor-made recharge option for prepaid card work?


Hi, so I recently bought a prepaid card and I am trying to reload it at a reasonable and affordable price, but I don't understand how the different reloading option bundles work? I was looking at the last option of tailor-made where you pay according to amount of money and days, how does that work? how much data to I get? For example if I want something for 30days and pay that 15euros, how much data will I get?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


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Réponse certifiée par SFR
Contributeur Elite

Hi @nkunyaneis01,


Using this means putting money to activate whatever prepayed option you want. For example you put 30 €, then you have 30 days to activate a pass with it, for exemple the "Pass illimité 20 €", which gives you illimited calls and SMS, plus 25 Go of data.


You can find all "pass" here, and instructions to activate them here (see the FAQ at the bottom of the page) :).


Have a nice day !

Contributeur Elite

Hi @nkunyaneis01,


Could you share the web page where you see those options please ? Is it this one ?


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Yess, its the prepaid card, but the option of reloading is found under my personal area. So the option I am asking about is the one of "Sur mesure" ( Recharge Tailor-made). In this option if I select 15euros it shows that it will be valid for 30days and this option is for using Carte bancaire, but it doesnt show the amount of data, so I would like to know how it works? How much data do I get for this period of 30days with 15euros? 

Réponse certifiée par SFR
Contributeur Elite

Hi @nkunyaneis01,


Using this means putting money to activate whatever prepayed option you want. For example you put 30 €, then you have 30 days to activate a pass with it, for exemple the "Pass illimité 20 €", which gives you illimited calls and SMS, plus 25 Go of data.


You can find all "pass" here, and instructions to activate them here (see the FAQ at the bottom of the page) :).


Have a nice day !

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