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Connection stability issue, support saying "le ping n'est pas stable"
Dear community,
is there around anyone who could translate that phrase for me? Because apparently SFR support's understanding of "stable ping" is definitely different than mine.
My problem: many times per day (even per hour), my connection simply drops. Even web radio (which takes how much? 15-20kB/s?) stops playing.
So how to report that. The problem lasts minute or two, so going to sfr.fr, opening chat etc. is not an option. It wouldn'teven load actually. What about executing "ping <gateway>" and some quite "reliable remote server", e.g. famous When there's connection issue, there's ping packet loss 5-20 % to the Google's server. Sometimes 2-4 % packet loss even to the gateway. That's not normal for me but the support continued saying "the speed is varying in time" and "ping is not stable" (<- that's my translation). If that's really the explanation of "CHAT TECHNIQUE" persons, it's really sad.
I don't really expect anyone would really answer here but I had to release my frustration before I manage to cancel my contract because I definitely don't want to support such a company. I'd rather go for "slow 100Mbit" connection which is stable rather than having "fancy 400MBit" connection that cannot be used...
And trust me, the 1.7 Mbit speed is way too optimistic, try to have home office work related call when even the packets are lost...
Anyone who ended up here I'm sorry for reading my frustration but I really hoped it'd help me but of course it didn't...
Résolu !
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Hello @pavelfi01,
I'm truly sorry to see you leave but I'm glad that you were able to find a solution.
In the hope of seing you again on the SFR Communauté.
Have a nice day 😃
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Hello @pavelfi01,
I'm sorry to tell you that I don't have any idea or advise to give you about your current issue however we will try and ask @Ryry, on of our best contributor, and see if he can help you with your stability issue.
@Ryry, je me permets de te solliciter car il semblerait que @pavelfi01 rencontre des problèmes de connexion plus particulièrement des fluctuations importantes à la baisse de son réseau comme l'indique sa capture d'écran. Une idée pour l'aider ?
Merci par avance de ton aide.
Have a nice day,
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Hello Antony,
thank you for your response, I actually didn't expect anyone to answer but I really appreciate it.
For both of you, @Antony and @Ryry, please don't waste your time anymore. Magically after a week of problems the situation somehow improved after my chat with the support but that's too late. I simply submitted my cancellation letter today so SFR won't be a problem anymore. It took me more than an hour on the phone but that's because of my French and the fact the operators simply ended the phone call but that's probably the French habbit (please, don't take it personally) as I heard that story from many friends already.
Have a nice evening/weekend,
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Hi @pavelfi01
I simply submitted my cancellation letter today so SFR won't be a problem anymore.
Yes, that's a pity, but often this is the way customers solve their problems: they simply leave the provider and switch to another. We can really understand your choice.
the fact the operators simply ended the phone call but that's probably the French habbit (please, don't take it personally) as I heard that story from many friends already.
I don't know anything about that "story".
But maybe you friends just faced the same thing than you, without noticing it from their ears: the fact is that currently, none of the "SFR operators" you got on the phone were French, nor located in France.
For cost savings, the hotlines of many ISPs of France have been moved off shore for years. For instance, SFR delegated all his customer service to Intelcia, mainly located in Africa.
And I can affirm you two things:
- in France it's seen as a very very very very bad habit to end suddenly a phone conversation just by hanging up the phone
- and many French customers complain about this "habit" from the off-shore hotlines, for instance on this forum.
Hope you'll get more satisfaction with your new ISP.
Digiclient NC → parti de sa planète disparue, pour une nouvelle terre d'accueil ♥
LaBox THD 4K (V3) - Connexion FttLA à 1000↓↑40 Mbit/s
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Hello @pavelfi01,
I'm truly sorry to see you leave but I'm glad that you were able to find a solution.
In the hope of seing you again on the SFR Communauté.
Have a nice day 😃