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how is such a rotten company allowed to operate in a first world country
how is such a rotten company allowed to operate in a first world country?
Sfr employees robbed me to my face in Antibes I requested sans engagement several times informed them i was just in france for a short time
and did not want a contract they told me I would easily be able to stop the service . When I tried to stop my service that I thought was sans engagement I realised they had put me on a 24 month contract that is impossible to stop without a fee this is criminal fraud and I'm sure it is encouraged by the management of this company please let me know how this happens in france that such a rotten place exists and what the legal address of sfr is so I can send documents when i return to my country?
Résolu !
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Hi @jamesda02 and welcome on the Communauté SFR,
Please contact a customer service representative via private message. on Twitter or Facebook He will access your personal files to help you.
Have a nice day.
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Hello @jamesda02
Yes this is a pity and a shame if all happened like this.
In fact there is no plan "sans engagement" by SFR (and in most other main provider)
The option "sans engagement" is often only possible by low cost provide, and they don't have shops in the streets.
In other words, in France to get an offer "sans engagement", you must avoid the street shops and use the web.
I don't know if your position can be defended by the "telecom mediator" see
But it's his/her job to find a commercial solution between clients opposed to their providers. Your problem, of course, is that you don't have elements that would prove to him/her that you asked SFR for a solution without "engagement".
But it's worth trying, this could bring you a commercial arrangement.
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@Ryry a écrit :
I don't know if your position can be defended by the "telecom mediator" see
The link was missing in my post: https://www.mediation-telecom.org/
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Hi @jamesda02 and welcome on the Communauté SFR,
Please contact a customer service representative via private message. on Twitter or Facebook He will access your personal files to help you.
Have a nice day.