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You are not commited
Hello, i started my contract in 25/01/2020 with SFR for a hotspot. Paying 35 € montly and in 2021 in january i paid 50 € because the discount wore off. In my client space, it says i'm no longer engaged ("Vous n’êtes plus engagé"). Also, it says in my invoices: Fin d'engagement : 25/01/2021
If this is true, why am i still being charged for this month? (February - March)
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Bonjour @jooan01
Est-ce un forfait mobile ou un abonnement box SFR ?
La fin de l'engagement ne signifie pas l'arrêt de la facturation !
Sans action de ta part, l'abonnement ou le forfait est reconduit de mois en mois.
Mais dans la mesure où tu n'es plus engagé , tu peux le résilier sans frais ou effectuer une portabilité d ligne si tu souhaites conserver ton numéro.
On ne peut admirer en même temps la lune, la neige et les fleurs
Même les singes tombent des arbres
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Bonjour @jooan01
Est-ce un forfait mobile ou un abonnement box SFR ?
La fin de l'engagement ne signifie pas l'arrêt de la facturation !
Sans action de ta part, l'abonnement ou le forfait est reconduit de mois en mois.
Mais dans la mesure où tu n'es plus engagé , tu peux le résilier sans frais ou effectuer une portabilité d ligne si tu souhaites conserver ton numéro.
On ne peut admirer en même temps la lune, la neige et les fleurs
Même les singes tombent des arbres
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Hello @jooan01
As @kendokanne asked, we need further informations to help you.
Indeed all what you describe may be totally normal:
- usually, with most ISPs in France, the contract engage you (you are comited) as a customer for a minimal number of months (often 12 sometimes 24)
- during these 12 months the price is discounted, but you can't leave the contract with no penalties
- after these 12 months (for you it appears to be 25/01/2021), the discounted price is finished, you're automatically switched to the "normal" price
- from now, you have two possibilities
- either you keep your contrat alive and you keep your internet connection (that is to say you don't cancel anything and you pay your bill each month)
- or you can leave your contract without penalties (you just pay the 49€ for closing the contract) if you want to change ISPs
In other words:
- your initial contract never ends until you cancel/close it
- but during the first 12 months, it's cheaper
If this is true, why am i still being charged for this month? (February - March)
You are charged for the reason above.
- "Non engagé" (not commited) does not mean "contract cancelled"
- it just means that, now, you are free to leave this contract when you want, without legal penalties (that's the law in France => discounted price, but you have to pay back the remaining "durée d'engagement" (time of commitment) if you leave the contract during the discount time).
- From now on, you keep your internet service and you pay the full price for it... Until you don't want it any longer.
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